Problems with Objectptr resetting

Chuck rwc1717 at
Tue Mar 2 05:00:15 CST 2004

Hi Ruslan:
	Problem 1:
You mentioned that the way the Objectptrs are made in the baseobject tables is 
correct in my code.....that is all I really do with them.  The rest of my code in 
Reminder Pad  more or less ignores them.  After any operation should they not 
retain the pointer value of 0 in the table.
	Problem 2:
The app works most of the time...and it took the routine that checks every Special 
Day record....changes it's date...makes an active appointment....the routine will keep 
doing this until past that day's date and then it updates the Special day record with 
the next date in the sequence after today.
This is where it gets messed up.  How can my logic be doing this if I do not address 
or work with the pointers in my code other than when I create/declare in baseobject 
them...(which as you have seen by my app...are not getting made properly when the 
database is created)?

Thanks Chuck

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