vidal_olivier at
Tue Jul 27 08:06:35 CDT 2004
> So this affect searches?
> We need way to say somehow
> WHERE name = 'GROS' using soundex
> Right?
yes, I think.
> What syntax Is used in SQL Server ?
I don't know.
> Do you have info if this can be indexed search?
> Or this is always scan like "LIKE" ?
I don't know.
Until soundex maybe a day implemented in Valentina, here is how I
planned to make :
BoNameFamily :
- NameField (string, indexed)
- NameSoundexField (string, indexed)
In every addition or import of Family Name, its soundex code is
calculated is recorded in the field NameSoundex.
When the customer makes a search, it is enough to calculate the soundex
code of the wanted name and to compare it with fields nameSoundex of
the table.
The field being indexed and as is a criterion of equality, the search
for equivalent phonetic names should be very fast.
Search on "GROS"
Calculation of soundex code of "GROS" -> code A456
WHERE name="GROS" --> WHERE nameSoundex="A456"
Finally, it is the calculation of the soundex code that is the longest,
I think.
It is maybe the algorithm of calculation of the soundex that could be
optimized in Valentina.
At the moment, we have to make it with Realbasic (for example), who is
maybe much slower than Valentina.
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