Valentina 2.0. -- What is your 3 DREAM features?

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at
Sat Jan 31 09:57:11 CST 2004

on 1/31/04 7:41 AM, Norman Palardy at palardyn at wrote:

Hi Norman,

> Try this on for size :
> - a server side communications library that uses the same
> communication protocol that Valentina Server uses so I can write my own
> "server" that Valentina clients can talk to thinking it's a Valentina
> Server (Sybase has something like this with Server library but the
> developer has to implement all the functions to spoof being a Sybase
> database - I've done this and it's hugely useful)

Norman, I believe we have this already in Valentina Server.

Let's clarify. What you mean My Server?
Some app made in RB which must be run on server, open some dialogs to
control server, yes?

Although in fact Valentina server run self as DLL.
You app will be actually just a client. In fact this is great, because it
can be run on any network computer and monitor server.

We offer even more. With Valentina Server you can TOTALLY rename it and tune
it in such way, that user see everywhere MyKillerAppServer.
User even will not see word Valentina. This allow you make very customized

> - tables stored in multiple physical files that I can move to separate
> drives for extra search speed. Oh, the search engine has to be able to
> paralellize the query so all portions of the table are searched
> simultaneously therefore resulting in faster queries. Obviously this
> means I want a multi threaded DB engine as well

Again let's clarify.

This is possible say in Valentina Server, because it is SEPARATE PROCESS
which have many threads. REALBasic plugin -- client is single thread.
And is just a bridge.

If talk about V4RB LOCAL, which self contains engine, I think it also will
be single thread.

> - "virtual" tables that actually map to other database products real
> tables. I could use a Valentina table joined with a virtual Oracle or
> Sybase table just as though it were another Valentina table.

I see. We was going as first step add Attached Tables from other Valentina

I wonder, how Valentina can use Oracle's tables? Via ODBC?
Then I think this can be feature not of Valentina engine itself,
But of Valentina Studio application. IT already have ability work with ODBC
dbs and Valentina dbs in the same time.

> - full SQL 99 compliance

What is the most important features of SQL99 on your opinion?

> - dynamically tunable caches per table, procedure, etc


> - pre-computed views

And result stored as TMP table on disk?
Until original table will not be changed?

> That ought to keep you busy for a bit



Best regards,
Ruslan Zasukhin      [ I feel the need...the need for speed ]
e-mail: ruslan at

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