SQL frustrations

Robert Brenstein rjb at rz.uni-potsdam.de
Wed Feb 11 17:01:04 CST 2004

>Rule is simple:

Yes, I know that I just need to fiddle with () and the order of 
conditions until I get proper results. It is just painful and wasting 
my time as I need to manually inspect results from all queries (and 
there a few dozens of those). At least I noticed the problem before 
sending the monthly reports to the client. That would be more 
embarassing than having to tell them that there is a delay. I really 
hope that version 2 parser ends these headaches.

>1) use  ()
>2) in the WHERE you should group fields of the same table together
>         (T1.f1 and T1.f2 and T1.f ... )
>     and
>         (T2. And or T2 ... )

And what is the order if I have fields from 3 or 4 tables having pair 
comparisons between each two? There is no way to group the queries 
together as I see.

>3) OR on fields from different tables not works.

All or's are on the same table. That much i know :)


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