AW: [DIRECT-L] Valentina 2.0. -- What is your 3 DREAM features? // XML

Deane Venske deane.venske at
Tue Feb 3 08:20:13 CST 2004

Hi Florian,

One thing that I have done is written a small bunch of functions in lingo 
to handle my queries once I have them. I'm started using all my queries as 
lists once they are in director. I like this very much because it gives me 
so much control, and it's pretty quick, but I don't really work with huge 
tables yet. I've got subQuery functions where I pass a list (That has come 
 from the Valentina db) and filter it. So far I have field specific 
filtering and DISTINCT and NOT functionality, eventually I'd like to have 
alot more, but that will come as soon as time allows. I'm not sure how 
quick it will be with large amounts of data, but I'm hoping it will handle 
it all well. If you'd like a few of the functions (Which are pretty rough) 
I'd be happy to share them with you. I'm not sure if director's XML parser 
can go from XML to List and from List to XML, but if it can then this 
should help with what you want.

Deane Venske - Senior Programmer   deane.venske at
+61 7 55974600  +61 405148718
Suite 29,  207 Currumburra Rd
Ashmore, Queensland, 4214

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