Vserver windows 98

Igor Gomon giv at tlc.kherson.ua
Wed Dec 8 22:31:51 CST 2004

> > We have 6 completely different products, each needs to run
> So what ?
> You can have single instance of Vserver.
> Each product use it and have own database which is managed by the same
> Vserver.
> IF you VERY VERY want do what you describe, you should note that you need
> for EACH copy of Vserver specify unique port number (see ini file). And
> client should use corresponded port number.
I'll also add: each service must be named differently.
Otherwise will be conflict.
The name of the .ini file is used as a basic for the service name.
(for example, if you have .ini file named as 'MyService.ini' then the name
of the service will be  'MyService')
But this is not supported in the current build for Win9x.
I need to implement this.
And so this can only be available with the next build. 
VServer (for WinNT) already supports this.

Best regards,
Igor Gomon
e-mail: giv at tlc.kherson.ua
web: http://www.paradigmasoft.com

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