VXCMD client and Database_Dump

Zav - Alex Zavatone zavpublic at mac.com
Sat Aug 28 08:49:26 CDT 2004

On Aug 28, 2004, at 8:37 AM, Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:

> On 8/28/04 6:14 PM, "Zav - Alex Zavatone" <zavpublic at mac.com> wrote:
>> On Aug 28, 2004, at 3:32 AM, Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:
>>> On 8/28/04 1:41 AM, "Chris Sheffield" <cm_sheffield at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> First of all.
>>> I have reproduce problem.
>> Your children are being too loud?  Try duct tape and staples.
> What you mean, Zav?


In English, "I have reproduce problem."  Isn't exactly clear.  If you 
"reproduce" that means "you have children".  So if you have a problem 
with your children, that is probably because they are running around 
screaming while you are trying to work.  At least, when I was a child, 
that is what I did.
And if children ARE being too loud, you can put duct tape over they 
yapper (mouth) and staple it in place.  Works wonders.

At least that's what I'd do and because of that fact, it is illegal in 
the United States for me to have offspring.

I think your original line should have been:

I have reproduced the problem.

Reproduce is present tense.  Reproduced, means it happened in the past. 
  That could mean 5 seconds, minutes or hours ago.

Articles like "the" or "a" are generally used before nouns that are not 
a proper name.  In fact nobody who speaks English actually knows why or 
when to use them, we just do.

You would not say "the Ruslan" or "a Ruslan"  but you would say "the 
car", "a car" or "the really hot chick over there is looking at you and 
making silly faces."

Sorry man, it's early in California and I have had one hell of a week.

- Zav
Under pressure.  - D. Bowie

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