VCXMD with VSRV - Getting Started

Ken Ray kray at
Sat Sep 6 14:21:09 CDT 2003

> Well, try set verbose level to 3 and see what Vserver tell you

I set that in Vserver.ini and then tried it again. I had thought it
would output to Vserver.log, but when I opened it it didn't have any
information other than "Valentina Database engine inited" and "Server
started at 15432 port". Is there somewhere else I should be looking? 

Also, I remember you'd mentioned something about case sensitivity when
adding a new database to the master.vdb. The actual file name of the
database is "krDB.vdb" and I put it in this way in the "path" field in
master.vdb with the "name" field being "krdb" (all lower case). Since I
didn't get an error with Database_Open(), I figured everything was fine.
But just checking...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site: 

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