BIG Problem with VNET

SoftIl softil at
Wed Oct 15 14:40:07 CDT 2003

Hi Ruslan,
I've got an very big problem with the current version of VNET.
Here is a small example handler for demonstrate the problem:

private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
 VNET.Valentina.Init(6 * 1024 * 1024, "VNET-9914-1543-7597");
 VNET.VDatabase _db;
 int _counter = 0;
 while (true)
   _db = new VNET.VDatabase();
   //_db = null;
  catch (Exception _ex)
   MessageBox.Show("ATTENTION!! An exception has appeared. : \n"+_ex.Message+"\n Counter:"+_counter.ToString());

After exact 5 times, the line " _db = new VNET.VDatabase();" create an exception: "The object reference was not fixed to an object authority."
I think there is an big mistake in the Dispose methode. The _db object wouldn't correctly destroyed. Only the handle will be set to null, but the object still exist.

With this error I can't work with my current Projekt!!
Please check this problem.


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