IN working?

Ken Ray kray at
Mon Oct 6 08:49:14 CDT 2003

I'm testing out the IN and NOT IN predicates for VXCMD and it doesn't
appear as it's working (or my understanding is faulty). I've got a table
called "CalendarSetMembers" that has a field called "EntityLink" which
is an objectPtr to my Entities table. From my interface, the user can
select a bunch of individual records from the CalendarSetMembers table,
and I want to put them all into a cursor. My code ends up creating the
SELECT statement below:

  SELECT * FROM CalendarSetMembers WHERE EntityLink IN

and this returns a WrongExpression SQL error. I tried it without the
quotes and I get the same result.

Is it me, or is it a bug?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site: 

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