V4RB Import/Export

Cindy Brown cindy at kowhaiprogramming.com
Sun Nov 30 16:00:13 CST 2003

Hi All,

I am trying to utilise the import/export facility to allow customers to fix
their databases from within the program. XML dump does not work because if
their is an error such VARChar -351, the XML dump fails. Exporting each
baseobject's data, removing the .dat, .ind and .blb files, recreating the
database and then importing each exported file, fixes the database and it
works fine.

The problem is this, my ID code is made up of characters up to 128
(excluding normal problem characters such as right arrow, etc.) but the
export/import facility does not export and import some of these characters
correctly. In fact, it leaves them out altogether. Is this a problem with
valentina or is there some other method I could use to accomplish this fix.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



Cindy Brown

Kowhai Programming Systems
PO Box 198, Invercargill
81 Marama Avenue South, 9RD Invercargill
Phone (03) 213 1243
Fax (03) 213 1248
Mobile (021) 354 930

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