Mark Maslowski mark at majico.com
Sun Nov 23 15:54:10 CST 2003

I am attempting to query just the unique entries (eliminating duplicates) in
a column named "level_1" from a table called "modules." I am using this code
in D8.5 -

   set SQLString = "SELECT DISTINCT level_1 FROM modules"
   set gmenuCursor = new(xtra "VCursor", GetRef(gDB), SQLString)

Unfortunately, this returns ALL records, not just the unique ones. What am I
doing wrong? I've never used DISTINCT before - is it a syntax problem?


- Mark


Mark D. Maslowski

MAJICo - The Mark and June Interactive Company
Serving Northern California - from Napa to Monterey!

831-336-3343 voice       831-336-3353 fax


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