[VNET] problem after I changed fieldtype

SoftIl softil at onlinehome.de
Sat Nov 22 15:04:01 CST 2003

Hi Ruslan,
following mistake:

I've got an baseobject which contains an field (named "key") of type
"kUShort" and values from 0 to 10.
Now I change the type to kShort with VS (current Version), no problems.
And then, if I read the data in my project from this baseobject, I get an
exception because the cursor object has no instance if I'd like to read my
field "key".
With all other fields there are no problems.
If I rechanged the field type to kUShort, it works fine.
If I read the data in VS or with visql, I get no errors with field type
Where is the mistake?

Best regards,

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