AW: AW: Building cursor from record list V4MD

Florian Bogeschdorfer fb at
Mon Nov 17 17:08:42 CST 2003

> > Of course. But what if I have 10000 or more records? Could 
> I still do this.
> > Where are the limits for the SQL-String?
> Well, today there is no technical limit.
> What you try to do?
> Save list of selected records?
> Just in RAM ?
> What for ?
For a mailing, you may save selections, These selections are saved as SQL
Query string and as a list of the Ids (not RecIDs, my own Ids) so that the
customer can choose to use the "hardwired" selection list of records or
refresh the list. This is interesting when you spread a mailing over a
period (sending maybe 100 letters a day).

Now each record may be valid for letter mailing or not. So I try to find all
records FROM THE LIST that are valid for letter (or eMail...). As I see it,
I will have to select each record one by one and check... :-)

Also it would be nice to open an empty cursor and just add the corresponding
records (without creating new ones of course), say if the operator wants to
merge two selections. I would just say 1. build cursor with statement 1,
merge with cursor by statement 2. Basically with the cursor approach this
should not be a big deal for Valentina, right?

I know I can make an endless list of OR connections, but this way would be
more elegant.


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