Retrieving data from a cursor

erne ernestogiannotta at
Thu Nov 13 10:04:44 CST 2003

Hi Chuck,

on 13-11-2003 5:10, chuck hinkle at chuckbo at wrote:

> Same question -- but trying to retrieve a Boolean value.
>> I've been retrieving data from cursors with
>> MyString = MyCursor.field("abc").getstring
>> No problems.
>> Now, I want to retrieve a numeric field.
>> MyNumber = MyCursor.field("amount").?????

MyNumber = MyCursor.ULongfield("amount").Value
MyNumber = VUlong(MyCursor.field("amount")).Value

MyBool = MyCursor.Boolfield("check").Value
MyBool = VBoolean(MyCursor.field("check")).Value

check for the correct syntax of fields typecasting
but you got the idea...

Cool Runnings,
|  e r  |  Ernesto Giannotta
|  n e  |  Musical Box - a media store

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