[V4MD] index & update

Martin Kloss martin.kloss at gmx.de
Fri Nov 7 22:14:38 CST 2003

At 20:45 07.11.03, you wrote:
>As I remember, problem is that Macromedia use some weird format...
>And I have no access to e.g. MAC PICT format on windows...

Hmm, I thought that was only when using the "picture" property.
The "image" property is something very different and should not
return a PICT handle at all.

For reference a few mails from me to you:

At 20:51 16.09.03 +0300, you wrote:
>I need say that we will not have member.picture syntax.
>I think this is not fatal problem, because works simple member()
>.picture have problems on Windows.
>Hard problems. Thanks to Macromedia.
>They return my on Windows NOT DIB, but MAC PICT :-(

Interesting, but I guess that's what the "picture" property
was invented for, not to return the DIB, but a PICT on
both platforms, so it's truly cross-platform. I think
that Macromedia did this on purpose.

Today nobody uses "member().picture" anymore, because
it's slow and not needed. The "member().image" property
is fast and you can do lots of manipulations with it.
So I would not worry about the "picture" property, in fact
I think you can forget about it and for the future ONLY
support "member()" and "member().image" and drop support
for "member().picture".



At 13:49 13.09.03 +0300, you wrote:
>I think I see way implement GetImage()
>But for now I do not see way to SetImage().

Hmm, interesting, why is that?
Have you asked on the Director Xtras developer mailing list
if anyone has already integrated some sort of imaging support?

For example the vList Xtra supports read/write of images:


the DirectImage Xtra does work directly with image objects:


or a small Xtra just for this:


In fact many other Xtras support this, see:


Maybe you can ask some of those guys, I think many of
them are subscribed to the Xtra-L developer mailing list.


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