Severe disappointment

Zav - Alex Zavatone zavpublic at
Thu May 29 09:16:15 CDT 2003

Please bear with me since this is not pretty.

I have asked for this once before and stated that my need was rather important.

Partially, as a result of the crashes in Valentina, I am having to 
bail on a twenty thousand dollar contract and return ten thousand 
dollars to the client.

Ruslan I formally BEG you to evaluate putting in ONE if statement in 
opendatabase to check if Valentina is properly inited return an error 
message instead of crashing Director if it not.

You said, you wanted speed in your xtra?  I want my xtras NOT TO 
CRASH MY PROJECT while I am creating it.  One if statement should not 
impact performance by any large margin.  I have no idea why you will 
still not do this for your customers.  This simple check will help 
trap the majority of crashes since you have to open a database before 
you do any operations on it right?

Valentina as an xtra to Director MUST play nicely within the world of 
Director but I understand you can not and should not trap all 
handlers for improper actions.

Simply not protecting your users by checking that Valentina is inited 
properly open Database is unconscionable.

If you doubt my programming background and aptitude, please bear in 
mind that I spent 4 years on the Director and Shockwave development 
teams, co founded Director-Online and have written my own foundation 
classes for Director, edited Lingo In a Nutshell and have contributed 
to the Director user community since 1996.

I find it very sad and emotionally and financially distressing to say 
that using Valentina cost me ten thousand dollars.

If that's not enough to have you put in one damn if statement, I 
don't know what is.

Extremely upset,
- Alex Zavatone


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