Dump/Restore Causes Crash With No Error...
Ruslan Zasukhin
sunshine at public.kherson.ua
Sun May 25 11:41:17 CDT 2003
on 5/25/03 10:38 AM, Kimball Larsen at kimball at kimballlarsen.com wrote:
Hi Kimball,
> Heya folks.. I'm fairly new to Valentina and very new to this list..
> but I'm stuck, and hope someone can help.
> I have searched the list archives, but have not found a solution to my
> problem. Here's some background. I want to have a utilities section
> in my application that includes buttons for both backing up the current
> database and restoring a backup of a database. I plan to use the xml
> format. The backup/restore seems to work just fine (ie, I can backup
> to an xml file just fine, and the database restore function runs fine
> and does restore the database from the xml file.. ). However - after I
> do a restore, as soon as I do anything else in my app that requires the
> database, the whole application quits, with no error message or warning.
> Here is the code for my restore. newDB is the existing global object
> that is of type VDatabase.
> dim dumpFile, dbFile as folderItem
> dim importedDB as VDatabase
> dim res as boolean
> newDB.close
> //newDB = nil
> dumpFile = getOpenFolderItem("????")
> dbFile = getFolderItem("db.vdb")
> dbFile.delete
> importedDB = new VDatabase
> importedDB.loadDump(dumpFile, dbFile, 2)
> importedDB.close
> importedDB = nil
> //newDB = new vdb
> dbFile = nil
> //res = newDB.open(dbFile)
> newDB.init("db.vdb")
> msgbox ("Database Restore Complete.")
> As I said, the restore runs just fine, but it appears that there is
> some sort of a problem with newDB after the restore is done, because as
> soon as I try to use it, the whole app crashes.
> Suggestions? What am I doing wrong?
I do not see obvious mistakes.
On what line it crashes?
What do NewDB.init() ?
Have you made steps in debugger to see if Db object is not nill ?
Have you try set debugLevel = 2 for Valentina and watch console output ?
Try this, may be you will see some error code from Valentina.
It seems Erne, have utility that do XML dump/load.
Look into archive of V4RB/ThirdParty, it seems vExport project,
Also project _TEST have it in one of tests.
Best regards,
Ruslan Zasukhin [ I feel the need...the need for speed ]
e-mail: ruslan at paradigmasoft.com
web: http://www.paradigmasoft.com
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