Vserver classes API

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at public.kherson.ua
Wed May 21 17:07:48 CDT 2003

Hi Guys,

This is first implementation of Vserver classes.
Igor already have made them for Visual BASIC,
I today work for REALbasic, tomorrow we will make this for Director.

Look and let us know what you think.

Class VServer

"Version",            "String",

"HostName",           "String",
"UserName",           "Boolean",
"Port",               "Integer",

"DatabaseCount",     "Integer",
"ConnectionCount",    "Integer",

    "SetIniVariable( inName as String, inValue as String )"},
    "GetIniVariable( inName as String ) as String"},

    "BindDatabase(inDbName as string, inServerPath as String) as Boolean"},
    "UnbindDatabase(inDbName as string) as Boolean"},
    "AddUser(inUserName as String, inPassword as String) As Boolean"},
    "RemoveUser(inUserName as String) As Boolean"},
    "ChangeUserPassword(inUserName as String, inOldPassword as String,
                                      inNewPassword as String) As Boolean"},

    "DatabaseInfo(index as integer) As VDatabaseInfo"},


Class VDataBaseInfo

"Name",             "String",
"Path",             "String",
"ClientCount",      "Integer",

    "ClientInfo(index as integer) As VClientInfo"},


Class VClientInfo

"Address",        "String",
"Port",            "Integer",
"ConnectionID", "Integer",


Best regards,
Ruslan Zasukhin      [ I feel the need...the need for speed ]
e-mail: ruslan at paradigmasoft.com
web: http://www.paradigmasoft.com

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