Crash o rific

Gunnar Swan GunnarSwan at
Sun May 4 14:02:09 CDT 2003

You are making me feel sorry for you. 
I'm creating a sample movie for you as we speak. 
Stick around, I'll have something in about 1/2 hour.

5/4/03 1:16:01 PM, Zav - Alex Zavatone <zavpublic at> wrote:

>Ok.  This is beyond frustration.  It appears that I can not use 
>Valentina without having it bring down Director when I try something 
>new.  Like creating databases.
>It is for reasons like this that I am not allowed a gun permit in the 
>United States.  Canada and Mexico are another story.
>Is this thing just fragile as hell?  I have taken to not breathing 
>near my laptop lest the disturbance in the air forces cause Director 
>MX to vaporize when V is running.  Do I have to check for a V error 
>after EVERY call?  DO I have to check the type of a passed variable 
>EVERY time lest I pass the wrong thing and cause V to nuke DMX?  I 
>STILL can not get anything done, V's not like director where you can 
>play and try things out without worrying about having it kill your 
>current project.
>Are there any guidelines of how to play in the world of Valentina so 
>that 1) I can get it to not crash Director MX OS X 10.2.5 and 2) how 
>to actually get stuff done?
>I'm only STILL trying to create a simple database, add records and 
>get them when I need to.
>1 table, 3 string fields.
>This should not be rocket surgery.
>This should NOT be so hard or crash prone.
>general ideas anyone?
>- Zav
>May you find pleasure in my misery since I sure don't.
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>Valentina at

Best Regards,
Gunnar Swan

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