V4RB: handling of SQL-Statements

RBtools RBtools at columbus.rr.com
Tue Jun 10 08:45:48 CDT 2003

> Thanks for your input. My problem is, that I don't send a database with
> my application. A database can be created by my application. This
> brings the point to me, that I can't save the SQLString in the database
> or I have to insert the possibility to fill the SQLStrings by creating
> the database in the database and I have to build an function which
> changes/updates the SQLStrings by upgrading a still running database.
> *hmmm* It is an intersting idea from you. I have to think about :-))
> Thanks for your ideas
> Claudius

I am jumping in a little late on this thread, but I thought the point was to
store a set of SQL statements once and then just call them as needed.

When the user runs the program from the first time you have to create all of
the tables in the database.  During this process you create the
SQL_statements table and populate it with the set of commands.  You can have
these hard coded into program much like the table structure.  If you want to
update a set of commands then you could just send your customer a text file
that your programs reads and updates the SQL_statements table.

If you have to recreate the database then you program could look for this
file and if it is located in the same folder as your program than it is read
and updates the SQL_statements table.

I like the idea of storing the SQL statements in a table in the database.
When you need to make a change or the customer has requested a change then
in certain cases all you would have to do is change the SQL statement in the
database and not recompile your application.  I can see this being used to
modify sorting or search criteria.

To take this a bit another step, you could create a generic window, like
iSQL that would display all fields from a SQL statement.  As you change the
statement, the table that is displaying the results would automatically
change.  This is dependent on the fact that your customers are interested at
looking at a list of results and not in a formal report format.

Just a few thoughts...I am done for the day :)


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