AW: Valentina examples will not run

Walter Purvis wpurvis7 at
Tue Jun 10 06:05:26 CDT 2003

Aha! Problem solved. Thanks! I guess having to set the memory in Build Settings is a new thing? I've been away from RB for a year or so, but I don't remember having to worry about that before. From playing round with it, I noticed it saves the RAM settings with each project, which is appropriate, but the default settings are fairly low, so when opening up projects where it hasn't already been set -- for example, when trying a bunch of small example projects provided by a plugin author -- there's likely to be problems; that's kind of a pain, but I guess it's worth it...

Anyway, I think you solved my problem for me and taught me something about the new RealBasic, so thanks again!


>>> Not sure why memory would be the culprit in debug mode, since I have
>150MB of RAM allocated to the RB IDE. 
>since RB5 debug applications do not run inside the IDE, but in their own
>process. So the the RAM setting in the build dialog is full valid for
>debug apps.
>Running in the own process has many benefits, but it's very likely to
>run into the little problem you encountered (me too ;-)
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