encoding in Valentina and RealBasic 5.2 (OS X)

Carlo Rubini osb at bttb.net.bd
Thu Jul 31 22:23:47 CDT 2003

it's a few days I'm trying to add records to a valentina db and to query them. Everything works fine untill the records dont contain any accented character. In fact, adding a record with accented characters in it, I'm not able to query it.

I know that Valentina understands MacRoman encoding, while strings in RB 5.2 are UTF8 by default; yet when I use the (shortened) code below in OS 10.1.2, querying doesnt give any result (in OS 9.2 I have no problem):

1. I add myword to my db:

dim myword as string
myword = "élitist"
dictDatabase.mDictionary.Wordsfld.Value = myword.convertencoding(encodings.MacRoman)

2. I query it:

dim myword as string
myword = "élitist"
dictCursor = nil
dictCursor =  dictDatabase.SQLselect("Select * from myDictionary where words = '"+myword+"'")
if dictCursor.RecordCount > 0 then
but I cant get any beep! I tried to query for myword.convertencoding(encodings.MacRoman) but without success.

Yet I'm sure that the answer to my problem should be very simple.
Can anybody make the appropriate correction un my snippet so that it may work in OS X and RB 5.2?


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