[VSDK PB] 1.9.8b17

Totte Alm totte at code66.se
Thu Jul 24 15:03:23 CDT 2003

Hello Ruslan,

I'm trying to find out why my App doesnt behave correctly when using 
VSDK 1.9.8b17 and GCC 3.3, but behaves OK under VSDK 1.9.7 and GCC 3.1

The place where it fails is when I create Two cursors, that points the 
the same data, and steps those cursors to compare records with each 
other, to qualify which recods can be  put into a merge record.
What bothers me is that is this:

Pieces of code:
// Do the two selects
mc1 = db->SqlSelect("SELECT recid, HID, Name, bundlename, NameChanged, 
IsGoverner, totalshares, "
"bundleid, isbundled, isinsider, totalvotes FROM HolderTable WHERE 
bundlename = '' ORDER BY Name ASC, HID ASC , totalshares DESC" );
mc2 = db->SqlSelect("SELECT recid, HID, Name, bundlename, NameChanged, 
IsGoverner, totalshares, "
"bundleid, isbundled, isinsider, totalvotes FROM HolderTable WHERE 
bundlename = '' ORDER BY Name ASC, HID ASC , totalshares DESC" ):

This code doesnt seem to work under 1.9.8 GCC 3.3:
	// Position the second
	LOG(TRCB_STD0, "Bundle set with Group=%ld", mTaskData->bundleCounter);

The Cursors record  isnt Updated, so it seems like a problem either 
with 1.9.8b17 VSDK PB, or with the GCC 3.3 Build if it.

// Totte

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