[NEW][VAPP] EscapeString

Kurt Klamp K.Klamp at t-online.de
Thu Jul 17 19:34:30 CDT 2003

Ruslan Zasukhin wrote at 16.07.2003 20:01 Uhr

>> 1.) Vapp crash without error.
>> If i ask Vapp by script for the names of the open databases and there is
>> no db open then Vapp crashes (Vapp PPC 1.9.8b15, OS 9.2.1)
>> set thedbs to get name of databases as list
>> --> 'Thedbs' should be {} or {"db1","db2",....}
>> --> did work fine until the last beta
>> 2.) The following sql statement delivers no result, in the former betas
>> there was one
>> set thecrs2 to SQL thedb Select "
>> select sum(BuchungsWert) FROM InvBuchungen
>> WHERE BuchDatum IN
>> (select max(BuchDatum) from  InvBuchungen GROUP BY InvNr)"
>> It looks for the latest records (BuchDatum) of Type (InvNr) and should
>> calc the sum of the field (BuchungsWert) in that recs.
>> Up to the latest beta it works fine.
>Hi Kurt,
>I will upload now b16 please check with it all these.
>If problems send me db and script that do this SQL query.

Hi Ruslan,

i've downl. both, the PPC and the Carbon version of VAPP and tested 
against both problems.
But there are no better news than in the above report.

to 1.) 
Each time Vapp has no db open it crashes with system error 15 and i have 
to wait until Apple Event Time out to be able using the machine. If there 
are opened dbs everything is fine. I even tried the example scripts with 
the added line

      set thedbs to get name of databases as list
-> Same behavior

then i tested

set dbnr to count databases  -> NO crash

Now i have at least a workarround
-first testing the number of dbs 
-then getting the names (if there are)

to 2.)
Here i've better news. 
There are mysterious things with my machine. Yesterday evening i tried 
the new betas with the sql staement at teast 20-30 times always with the 
same NULL result, even after restarting the machine (softboot).
Today i restart my machine and i tried again first the sql statement-> 
miracle IT WORKS
After testing the 'Name of databases' bug (see above) it doesnt work 
again. Then i changed the script.
there were 2 cursors
first the cursor for the data (did work always)
second the cursor for the sum (works sometimes)

Now i changed the order
first the sum cursor and then the data cursor

and everything was fine.  --> Very mysterious

It seems the lady is very sensible if she was crashed before :-)


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