[NEW][VAPP] EscapeString

Kurt Klamp K.Klamp at t-online.de
Wed Jul 16 17:15:06 CDT 2003

Ruslan Zasukhin <sunshine at public.kherson.ua> wrote:

> Hi,
> Now VAPP have command EscapeString

Hi Ruslan, 
fine to hear that you polish Vapp.
Before you stop with it please fix the following bugs, 

1.) Vapp crash without error.

If i ask Vapp by script for the names of the open databases and there is
no db open then Vapp crashes (Vapp PPC 1.9.8b15, OS 9.2.1)

set thedbs to get name of databases as list 
--> 'Thedbs' should be {} or {"db1","db2",....}
--> did work fine until the last beta  

2.) The following sql statement delivers no result, in the former betas
there was one

set thecrs2 to SQL thedb Select "
select sum(BuchungsWert) FROM InvBuchungen 
WHERE BuchDatum IN 
(select max(BuchDatum) from  InvBuchungen GROUP BY InvNr)"

It looks for the latest records (BuchDatum) of Type (InvNr) and should
calc the sum of the field (BuchungsWert) in that recs.
Up to the latest beta it works fine.

Thank you,

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