[V4RB] HEEELP! My .vdb file wouldn't be opened!

Wonder Fef wonderfef at noos.fr
Mon Jul 7 21:02:03 CDT 2003

Hello all!

Heeeeelp !

I don't know what has happened, but my application can't open its .vdb file:

If theDatabase.open(f) = false then
     '''' this fires !

I did everything I could, but it seems that the file is corrupted...

I'd really like to :
- know where this comes from
- if there is any repair or diagnose tools
- if this may occure frequently or not.

Maybe this error comes from a disk error or whatever else...

Something important: the database file had just reached the 256 Mo size.
256 sounds like a computer-like number, but Valentina is not size-limited,
is it?

Any help will be *HIGHLY* appreciated (even if we have backups here - we
lost a day work - this could have been worse)

Thank you very much

PS: I use Valentina plug in v1.9.8b9, RealBasic 4.5.2, the application was
running under Windows.

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