ORDER BY - some success
François Van Lerberghe
fvanlerberghe at freegates.be
Thu Jan 23 21:09:34 CST 2003
le 23-01-03 20:04, Rick Robinson <rickrobinson at attbi.com> a écrit :
> I used Vapp to add the two methods explicitly to my database. Now, the
> query returns records! However, the recipes are still not sorted by
> name...in fact, I am getting the exact same results I was getting
> before that prompted this thread. To summarize, this is what I've done:
> Used Vapp to add two methods to my database:
> nameSort_fld as a VarChar(504) that is Indexed, and has the method
> "Upper(rname)" where "rname" is a VarChar field
Just an idea :
Isn't it "rname_fld" instead of "rname" ?
Are you sure the name of the field is "rname", isn't it the name of your
property ?
François Van Lerberghe
Thier Monty, 15A
B-4570 Marchin
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