V4RB + RB5, More observations

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at public.kherson.ua
Wed Jan 22 23:25:55 CST 2003


    by the way, does exists Person in REAL who answer for
    plugin system of REALbasic ?
    I'd like to get into contact with him.
I have spend more time today with RB 5.
Here are my observations.

1) If I comment that ONE function which have array as parameter,
Then b1 loads without crash. This crash was introduced in b1.

2) But if open ANY example of V4RB, and try to RUN it, REALbasic fail and
return "Not defined identifier" on any Valentina plugin call.
I have try simple remove first "bad" line and RB start complain on next

3) I have recall that such behavior we have see in the past, if REALbasic
loos types of classes - in project window.

Okay, I go and choose any such class and check in property window its type.
ALL RIGHT. I see Vdatabase, VBaseObjects types.

And aha, so REALbasic correctly show types of Valentina plugin in menu of
property window !!!
This is good news.

4) Now I decide to check how auto completion show Valentina calls.
And again, I see CORRECT work. IT is able prompt any call from Valentina

So REALbasic was able correctly load and parse functions of plugin.
But they why it CANNOT Run it ???

Dear REAL, Geoff, Joe,

once again. 

Me and all Valentina developers VERY ASK you spend 5 minutes
-- to download V4RB archive.
-- to drop V4RB plugin into folder
-- to open Example1 from V4RB archive
-- and RUN project.

Your software engineers must be able AT LEAST to see problem in 5 minutes.
And please do not say me that this is not true!
    I am NOT REALbasic developer, I am C++ developer.
    So I do the same debugging each day a lots of times.

At least you will see WHERE is problem, and will be able inform us WHEN you
will be able resolve it.

You need spend 5 minutes, but we wait already 3 months on this fix!!!
Several hundreds people wait for your move REAL.

Again and again. Problem NOT in Valentina plugin.
I confirm this.

You must be able find at least 2 bugs:
    -- crash introduced by b1 and reported by several plugin developers
    -- problem with RUN of V4RB (and not only V4RB as I understand).

Many thanks in advance, REAL for support.

Best regards,
Ruslan Zasukhin      [ I feel the need...the need for speed ]
e-mail: ruslan at paradigmasoft.com
web: http://www.paradigmasoft.com

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