Art Peters akpce at atlantic.net
Tue Feb 25 14:38:23 CST 2003

Anyone please,

Is it possible to create an RB VDataBase as:
 db = new VDataBase
 res = db.Create(ff,1,32*1024)    ff=folderitem

and then populate with tables using Sql as:

  db = New VDatabase
  ok = db.Open(f)
  s = "create table AntList "
  s = s + "("
  s = s + "AntIdx vvarchar not null unique, "
  s = s + ")"
  err = db.SqlExecute(s)

and then use standard Sql INSERT INTO, UPDATE, etc.
to add and extract data.

I can't seem to get the tables into the db using
this procedure. I just wanted to know if it is
my approach before spending more days on it.

It looks like I can do this from the TEST_
routines. But, nothing I try gets the job done.



It looks like (from TEST_) that different result
codes are being generated for db.SqlExecute().
Is there a list of these codes somewhere? Or what
they should be for successful execution?  

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