[V4RB] Win32 open ... More info

Keith DeLong delong at redcort.com
Mon Feb 17 21:47:08 CST 2003

I should add a couple of more data points for my repeat open failure in

It occurs when using V4RB 1.9.6 or 1.9.7b10.
I'm using REAlbasic 4.53fc2

Also, to reinforce that something is not cleaning up properly - I tried
inserting a valentinaShutDown and ValentinaInit between the two attempts to
open the database (after nil'ing the db oject):

//Try while a remote app has the data file open
// generate a 32 error in Windows.
// Close the remote app and release it for use by Windows

v = nil

 Err = ValentinaInit(...)
 if Err <> 0 then
    Msgbox "Error: " + Str(Err)
 end if

v = new mydatabase

The ValentinaInit generates a 32 error on Win32 while it works without a
problem on a Mac. Note that this the same error Windows throws when it
attempts to open a database that is already open.

I hope this helps. I really need a fix or workaround to this in a hurry!

Keith DeLong

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