Lloyd Butler lbutler at on.pelmorex.com
Thu Feb 13 11:18:31 CST 2003


I have had a chance to try out some of scripts with the latest VPHP. 

I was able to compile it into php without problems. There were lots of
messages about valentina as it was compiling, but it did not fail. Since I
am new to php, I am not sure if they are things that you can clean up or
not. If you want the messages, I will recompile and capture them for you.

On to the scripts

works, I see all the libraries and settings. I have added the valentina lib
in with a configuration that I had working before to get the gd lib and some
others into use.

- valentina.php
runs, but ends with an error


Fatal error :  Call to undefined function:  confirm_valentina_compiled() in
/Users/lloydbut/Sites/valentina.php on line 4 

Those functions are the same as in get_valentina_functions.php. The only
lines different between the two script files are that valentina.php starts
off with:

if(!extension_loaded('valentina')) {
And this is where the error message seems to come from.

- get_valentina_functions.php
works and returns 78 functions. Is there supposed to be more or less?

- vphp_test_classic.php
seems to work. 
When I uncomment the lines for the xml and text exports, I get the files,
owned by www as expected. 

- vphp_test_blob.php
You have an error in this file in line 7.
$path = $dbHomePath; //"test3.vdb";
should be 
$path = $dbHomePath."test3.vdb";

When I run it I get nothing back to the browser. After changing the owner of
the db I can open it in Vapp, but there are no tables inside. Ah yes, those
lines (15-16) are commented out in the code. Let's uncomment them and try
again.... Nope. It did not create the table.
Let's manually create the table (damn, got to change access priviledges
again to get it open). Added the table Person with blob field Photo. Ah,
there is the .blb file. Let's try the script again.... (#$%@%$%@ forgot to
change the priviledges), try again...

Hey where did my .blb file go? There is only select's and a set_field in the
code. Who erased my .blb field????
I think there are issues in this script still.

I will report on the last 2 scripts when I get some more time to play with

(php newbie)

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