[for ALL] Valentina Server 1.x // And they say OpenBase isgood?

Lynn Fredricks fci at europa.com
Mon Feb 10 15:23:00 CST 2003

> Yes.  What I would suggest is that you make available a time-bombed 
> version of ValentinaServer 1.x for free to users with Valentina 
> licenses.  This would allow us to get started using it and 
> would ensure 
> that the networking and threading layers are exercised and bugs found 
> before version 2 ships.

Ruslan and I are discussing this. I like your thinking here, Charles. I
think if there was a Valentina 2.x Server time-bombed beta using
Valentina 1.x engine, it would provide a good opportunity to get
feedback on what is working and not working.

I see no reason to productize a Valentina 1.x server.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Proactive International, LLC


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