[VSDK] Problems with header files

Eric Forget forgete at cafederic.com
Mon Feb 10 11:29:44 CST 2003

> Eric, But for CW there is no any problems.
> In CW precompiled we include MSL or MacHeaders.
> You really have problems with VSDK.h file or you *think* problems can be for
> that part?

Try compiling VSDK.h without any precompile header on CW with a file that
include just <VSDK.h>. Since you are an API it should work. BTW, I know the
trouble of maintaining an API... ;-)



 Eric Forget                       Cafederic
 ForgetE at cafederic.com             <http://www.cafederic.com/>

 Fingerprint <86D5 38F5 E1FD 5D9C 71C3  BAA3 797E 70A4 6210 C684>

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