Casting question

Michael de Haan mdeh at
Wed Dec 17 06:23:28 CST 2003


(I do not think this has posted yet...apologise if duplicate)

Please help understand...not sure again if this is Valentina or good 
OOP issue.


   dim RecID as integer  <-----RecID declared as integer
  curs = SQLSelect( "SELECT RecID FROM Person") // select all records
  res = curs.FirstRecord
  RecID =  VULong(curs.Field(1) ).value <---value of the Recid of 
boPerson is now Cast as VUlong   (originally typed as integer)

mTask.TestAddRecords(  RecID )


(BoTask:) TestAddRecords(PersonID as integer)

mPersonPtr.value = PersonID <---- RecID is passed as VUlong(which I 
understand is the type needed for a ptr) but in BoTask,  "PersonID" is 
typed as an integer which is then passed to mPersonPtr.  Why do we have 
to have to follow the order of integer---> cast to Vulong -----> 
integer. I thought that an integer and VUlong are the same thing?  Is 
there something about Valentina or is this good programming? Or have I 
asked enough yet  :-)

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