Show all found records

richard z ximmcom at
Tue Dec 9 09:48:07 CST 2003


Hi all,

I am a new Valentina user and I am also using Director. If anyone knows a bit of Lingo together with Valentina I would really appreciate some help.

I have a search function that I need to modify. 

When a text search is done on a vdb-file in Director I am supposed to see ALL matching title records in a text field member. But what I get is only the first matching record.

Does anyone know how the script below can be changed to show all the matching records in the search result field (ftitle).


on PopulateFields

global gMyDataBase, gCursor

if gMyDataBase = 0 OR gCursor = 0 then


end if 

set the text of member "ftitle" to GetField( gCursor, "title")




on mouseup

global gCursor, gMyDataBase

set kServer = 2

set kReadWrite = 3

set kRandom = 2

set gCursor = 0 

value = the text of member "searchtitle"

set SQLstring = "select * from record WHERE title LIKE '\A" & value & "' no_case"

set gCursor = new ( xtra "VCursor", GetRef(gMyDataBase), SQLstring, kServer, kReadWrite, kRandom)

FirstRecord( gCursor )




Best regards,


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