Error with kTypeText???

Martin Kloss martin.kloss at
Wed Dec 3 10:56:14 CST 2003

At 10:36 03.12.2003, you wrote:
>I experience a very weird behaviour with the only field kTypeText in my
>whole application. The field is #Text_text
>This means changes happen when I add more characters, so my routines are OK.
>But when I try to delete some chars, changes don't happen.

Hi Florian,

interesting, I encountered the very same behavior using text fields (V4MD),
I could simply not clear the text field using SQL update with binded values.
But then I created a simple demo movie with a simple database for Ruslan
to demo the bug and I wasn't able to reproduce it, because in the demo
movie the bug didn't show!?

I solved the problem by manually clearing the field, using

myCursor.SetField(myField, "")

which works, but is not a nice solution. But I still haven't found what
causes the problem.


Martin Kloss

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