V4RB Import/Export

Cindy Brown cindy at kowhaiprogramming.com
Mon Dec 1 10:00:37 CST 2003

Hi Ruslan,

Thanks for that. I'll try it out to see if it manages the data I have.
> Hmm, usually XML DUMP is robust enough to resist such problems.
> Although in some hard cases it can fail probably.

All the times that I have had a a database fail, XML Dump has not managed to
do anything. Invariably I have a data failure with a -351 error in the
varchar field. The five or so times that I have tried XML Dump on these
files have crashed Valentina every time.

On a similar subject, I have had three or four databases go in the last week
with this failure. I have a server which has a number of workstations
connecting to the server socket and transferring data across TCP/IP from the
workstation to the server. There could be 10 or 15 workstations transferring
at the same time. Each data transfer saves the record and flushes the
database before moving on to the next record. Potentially there could be two
or more workstations saving records on the server at the same time. Could
there be a problem with this that is causing the -351 error and the
corruption in the database?

Cindy Brown


Cindy Brown

Kowhai Programming Systems
PO Box 198, Invercargill
81 Marama Avenue South, 9RD Invercargill
Phone (03) 213 1243
Fax (03) 213 1248
Mobile (021) 354 930

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