V4RB - using keywords in queries

Fitzbew at aol.com Fitzbew at aol.com
Wed Aug 6 09:34:50 CDT 2003

My database has an entry that contains the word 'Union'.   When I query for 
the value, Valentina doesn't return a recordset.   I assume 'Union' is a 
Valentina reserved word or such. For example, this fails:

Select first_name, last_name, birthday
from customers
where last_name = 'Union'

also fails when I do this:
Select first_name, last_name, birthday
from customers
where last_name in('Union','Smith','Jones')

(above example works great after removing 'Union' .)

Other than convincing this guy to change his last name :-) , is there an 
elegant way to build a query which can cope with the presence of 'Union' ?

I can get this to work:   where last_name = '/AUnion' , but that solution is 
not suitable for reasons not related to this problem.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


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