[VSRV] Error 9? - That's all??!!??

erne ernestogiannotta at tiscalinet.it
Wed Apr 30 08:51:52 CDT 2003

on 29-04-2003 20:43, Ruslan Zasukhin at sunshine at public.kherson.ua wrote:

>> (should it not work I'll try to strip some code to send you)
> By the way Erne,
> Why not move right column of letters on left side of window,
> And bottom list of people expand on right side to the full width of window?
> We will see more items in list. So this is better.

Resizing the window
the list expands vertically so you can see more items in it
but yes, it doesn't expand in width
I made the search field expand with the window width

you mean the list is too narrow for you?

Are your contacts descriptions so large? :-)

Cool Runnings,

|  e r  |  Ernesto Giannotta
|  n e  |  Musical Box - a media store

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