Position in a Cursor (MM Director)

Mark Maslowski mark at majico.com
Mon Apr 7 01:02:37 CDT 2003

It's been a while since I worked with Valentina so forgive me if this is a
lack of brainpower on my part...

I am working on a product catalog CD in Director with data coming out of a
vdb. When a user selects a product using a drop down menu, I create a Cursor
with that product number (SELECT * from Data WHERE Product = 'Tee Shirt')
and display the proper information. No problem. The client also wants the
ability to use a next and back button to navigate through all the products.
I create a Cursor with all the products (SELECT * from Data) and use the
next record and previous record from the beginning of the db. Also no

However, what should really happen is when a user selects a specific
product, the next and back buttons should allow them to go to the adjacent
products, not start all over from the beginning of the database.
Unfortunately, I cannot think of how to interact the two cursors. What I
need to find is the position of the chosen product within the cursor of all
products. Basically, I need the ability to search within an existing cursor.

Any ideas?

Hope that explanation wasn't too rambling.


- Mark


Mark D. Maslowski

MAJICo - The Mark and June Interactive Company
Serving Northern California - from Napa to Monterey!

831-336-3343 voice       831-336-3353 fax


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