While importing data from text files, delimiters (symbols used for divide fields and lines) sometimes remains in data.

Alexey Starchikhin ssa at sevenrays.ru
Tue Dec 2 03:51:59 CST 2008

Hello list,

I added this to Mantis, just copying it here to ensure that issue will
be noticed and addressed ASAP.

I'm using text files to bring data from MS Access to Valentina (ODBC doesn't work with some special symbols).
I'm using "|" as field delimiter and " as string container. When i use Vstudio importer it
works good for most data, but some fields end up this way: |some text"  Fields are splitted correctly, because
both previous and next field in this line are correct, but this field contains delimiters inside for some strange reason.
More to it, if i use importer several times in a row (import file - clear table - import file..), after several attempts
database is corrupted.

WBR, Alexey

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