Greek character set problem Valentina-Director & picture insert problem

Georgiu Konstantinos georgiu at
Thu May 3 05:13:03 CDT 2007

Hello again,

Now i am in front of another problem. I want to have both Greek and English in my director application. Unfortunately director doesn't use unicode encoding. So do I have to make the conversion myself? When I retrieve something from tha database so I have to convert it with my own function utfToDirectorString? Is it a way to insert into valentina db in non-utf character encoding (like iso8859-7 which is for greek)? When I insert text values from Valentina studio it is inserted in unicode , but if i insert it from director it is inserted as iso8859-7 and as a result when i retrieve it back it appears correctly. So how do I insert my data in valentina in non-unicode character set?

And a bonus question :-)

When i insert some images with the picture data type, some of them can't be inserted causing valentina studio to crash. They are jpg. More strangely if I rotate the image then it is possible to insert it. I'll try to attach such an image. I'll try to programmatically insert them to see if it is a prob of studio
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