Dbname.gui file for visual info

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at public.kherson.ua
Fri Jul 30 00:14:02 CDT 2004

Hi All,

So Jochen say

Having a seperate storage file (of course this will also be a Valentina
database with a different extension) we do not have this disadvantages!
I see only advantages for this approach:
1) We do not touch a users database! We can even open a read-only database
   and are still able to save preferences!
2) We can save this preferences LOCALY for server database! (and of course
   the preference db can be also a server db, if needed!)
3) During development you can safely trash your db without loosing any
4) We currently recommend to use several files for security reasons - so
it does not matter to have one more! AND: On Mac you can put all files
Into single PACKAGE (which i would RECOMMEND to implement for 2.x) - on
Windows you can store all files in single folder.

Now we have add:

5) .gui file is optional and it have sense only for Valentina Studio.
    V4RB/V4MD/... Develoepr do not need distribute It with their solutions.
    This file will never be created by V4RB/V4MD/... application.

6) .gui file have sense only for Valentina Studio.
    and it have sense only in conjuction with rest Valentina DB files.

    so it looks to be good idea, that this file must be created by Vstudio
    in the same folder where db is.

7) creation of this file must be on Vstudio.
    i.e. Valentina kernel do not know about this file,
    about this extension, ...

More ideas:

8) we can have for THE SAME database several different .gui files.
    this can be used to make solutions tuned for different groups
    of users.

    i.e. Data is data,
    and it is other question how we display them.

9) Jochen, it seems latest FileMaker was proud by their features in this
area. May be there is sense for you to check it...

** I still do not see how you technically will be able link NOT DELETED .gui
file to new db?

What if new db is of different structure?
How you will see that?
What is difference only in one fields from 100? Already bad?
Here many such small technical problems, Jochen.

And the main, so it seems that if we go by this way, then you can do
everything self? Yes?

I must not put into engine nothing special for this file?
And with 2.0 you have access to I_Volume so you can control self creation of
Volume. And you can use even not relational tables, but simply one or few
embedded files on that volume.

Best regards,
Ruslan Zasukhin      [ I feel the need...the need for speed ]
e-mail: ruslan at paradigmasoft.com
web: http://www.paradigmasoft.com

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