[Valentina-studio] Text fields

Francois Van Lerberghe fvanlerberghe at freegates.be
Thu Apr 1 14:08:57 CST 2004

le 1/04/04 13:28, Jochen Peters <j.peters at valentina-db.de> a écrit :

> Has anyone found any crashes in a47?
> Please tell me what you want to have fixed for the next build!

- I'm unable to open the database if the path include a non ascii character
(>127). For example "Donneés" doesn't work. "Donnees" does work.

- Open my database take a very long time : 53 seconds
Open it in my application (made with RB 3.5.2 and V4RB 1.10) take only 7
(PowerBook G4, MacOS X 10.3.3 french)

- The Data view crash the app. Immediately or when I play with the vertical

Perhaps this is occuring because I have non ascii characters (>127) in
fields name.

Best regards.

François Van Lerberghe
Rue Thier Monty, 15 A
4570 Marchin

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