
Ivan Smahin ivan_smahin at
Fri Apr 20 07:09:20 CDT 2012

On Apr 20, 2012, at 2:55 PM, Fabian Kneubuehl wrote:

> Ivan,
> Me again. If I use transaction control I use it specifically, as in the
> example mentioned in this mail. But in another simple example I wouldn't:
> The user has to enter 1000 patient addresses. She/he will work the whole day
> entering these addresses. If I never call DB-Flush she/he loses all entries.
> Now I flush each entry - but I see no sense for a transaction control here.
> OK I could make my own timer routine or flush only each 10th entry...

Most of other vendors consider it as an implicit transactions - 1000 or even more - each sql statement considered as an implicit transaction. Usually you should think of start/commit transaction yourself because it could hit performance, locks issues and so on.

> You see this small overhead with how much connections? I have no small
> example. I run a lot of procedures at the same time (all as used in all day
> work, like inserting BLOBs, Pictures, deleting, generating invoices,
> inserting appointments, deleting them...

It is not a matter of connections count. Rollback journal is completely vKernel feature.
That benchmarks were about ~10^6 records to update/delete/insert (different field types, conditions and so on).

Best regards,
Ivan Smahin
Senior Software Engineer
Paradigma Software, Inc
Valentina - The Ultra-Fast Database

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