Error in 4.2b7

Karl Grob kgrob at
Sat May 30 05:37:58 CDT 2009

Hi Ruslan

I found a strange error in 4.27b:

This is a part of a SQL-Statement, that is inserted as the end of  
Statements creating different tables:

   dim cmd as string

   cmd = FLD_ABSKEY + " ULONG, "
   cmd = cmd + FLD_ETEXTNR + " STRING(18), "
   cmd = cmd + FLD_CREATED_AT + " DATETIME NOT NULL, "
   cmd = cmd + FLD_CHANGED_AT +  " DATETIME NOT NULL, "
   cmd = cmd + make_Mto1_ObjPtrLink( PTR_CREATED_BY, TBL_BENUTZER,  
tblName + CST_FUGE_Zeichen + LNK_CREATED_BY) + ", "
   cmd = cmd + make_Mto1_ObjPtrLink( PTR_CHANGED_BY, TBL_BENUTZER,  
tblName + CST_FUGE_Zeichen + LNK_CHANGED_BY)
   cmd = cmd + " )"

   RETURN cmd

If I use it this way with STRNG(18) it works. With STRING(17) the  
program immediatly quits, the first table using the statement is  
If I use VARCHAR the limit is between 33 and 34. 33 crashes, 34 works.  
The first table is not created.

There is no VException, its a immediate crash.

To demonstrate it, I give you 4 Level2 Log-Files. The field has the  
Name "fldETextnr" and is followed by STRING or VARCHAR:

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I can use STRING(18) and shorten it later, so there is no hurry.


Karl Grob
Glockengasse 4
8001 Z?rich
044 2121585
kgrob at

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