Changing storeageEncoding

jda jda at
Thu Nov 23 13:10:07 CST 2006

>  >       field.storeageEncoding = ""
>For EXISTED db this is not possible.
>So do not do this.
>I have think you can simply remove that lines from project.
>You create new db in UTF16, so was no sense mark fields as UTF16.
>It seems you have told me, that you want future be able create db in UTF8.
>But that few fields in UTF16 still...
>It seems we have make this working, when separate fields have own settings
>of locale. So continue to use it this way :-)

Hm, before I got your answer I went ahead and did it, changing the 
storageEncoding of existing fields to "" whereever I had set it to 
UTF16, and increasing the size of the varChar fields to 2044 (from 
1022). Everything seems to work j ust fine (saving as either UTF16 or 
UTF8). viSQL won't tell me the storage Endcoding of individual 
fields, so I can't check that, though.


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