Version trouble

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Tue Jul 11 12:27:00 CDT 2006

>>I do not understand what problems you have.
>>WE HAVE CHANGE own db format. Yes it is not backward compatiable.
>>     we do this not first time. Right ?
>>When Valentina 2.4 b13 open db in old format, then it TRANSPARENTLY convert
>>it to new 2.4 format.
>That is fine.
>>This not related in any way to YOUR schema version..
>OK, but when I try to get the schemaversion (my schemaversion) I get 
>the error. I don't get an error with viSQL, but with my project.
>You have my project now, perhaps you'll see exactly what I mean...

Is it possible that it is a timing issue between checking the 
database version and the automatic conversion? These automatic 
conversions have been a plague as far as I remember.


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