[V4MD] pointer at the same table by binary_link

info at vallemediatime.com info at vallemediatime.com
Mon Sep 12 22:03:08 CDT 2005

> What exactly problem is ?

Difficult to tell you Ruslan,
e.g. look at this simple script,
I've checked all the variables and these are good,
but when I use addLink with the first gLinkName all works fine, if I change
gLinkName and other variables, the getLinkCount dont' work and nothing
happens, because
the line:
count = link.countLinked(i, gTab_A, gTab_B)
return me always 0

on addLink
link = gDb.link(gLinkName)
a = gDB.table(gTableName).RecID
b = value(member("Tab_B_ID").text)
link.linkRecords(a, b)

on getLinkCount
link = gTab_B.link(1)
recCount = gTab_B.recordCount
counter = 0
repeat with i = 1 to recCount
count = link.countLinked(i,  gTab_A, gTab_B)
counter = counter + count
end repeat
member("dLinkCount").text = string(counter)

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